Rumored to have been a brothel and speakeasy during the great depression, The Dream Away Lodge has been a Berkshire legend for close to a hundred years. This 1820’s farmhouse tucked away at the edge of October Mountain State Forest is renown for its colorful place in Berkshire history. The Dream Away’s original, larger than life founder, Mamma Maria Frasca created an oasis of cocktails, food and drink in the middle of nowhere. Her three musically talented daughters helped her operate the restaurant and entertain the room. The 1975 visitation by Arlo Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Allen Ginsberg and the Rolling Thunder Review, led to the Dream Away’s prominent role in Part Two of Dylan’s epic film Renaldo and Clara–enhancing an already unmatched reputation as one of Berkshire County’s best loved and most closely held hilltown secrets. From 1997–2020 actor, Daniel Osman (also larger than life) owned and stewarded the Dream Away with a locally sourced menu, fine cocktails and entertainment every night. Post pandemic, the Dream Away changed hands and is now owned by Sheryl Victor Levy, April Wilson, Dan Giddings and Scott Levy. Daniel Osman returns as the Special Events Maestro and Amy Loveless as Executive Chef.
Fine Food.
Unique Cocktail Lounge.
Live Music.
An Atmosphere Long Remembered.